Zurabyan’s wife property in Russia

  • MERCEDES-BENZ S500 4 MATIC car, registration date: 2019;
  • MERCEDES-BENZ S 560 4MATIC MAYBACH, registration date: 2021;
  • 7 land plots in Bratsk, Irkutsk region, total area 20,158 m2, total cadastral value 21,902,634.76 r.;
  • a land plot with the area of 4578 m2 at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Uspenskoye village, 115,116, cadastral value 36,782,948.16 p.;
  • land plot of 1200 m2 at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, , v Shulgino, GP-4 0356, 38, cadastral value 11 882 088 r.;
  • 0,01 % share in the object of construction in progress (long construction) of a shopping centre(Moscow, Yuzhnobutovskaya str., 2), cadastral value of the share is 49 852 r.;
  • 36 non-residential objects in Bratsk, Irkutsk region, total area 24,598.4 m2, total cadastral value of RUR 525,781,044.08;
  • a residential house with the area of 614.2 m2, at the address: Irkutsk region, Bratsk, residential area Energetik, 29 Gorbunova street, with the cadastral value of R 4 429 315,58;
  • a residential house with the area of 1570,9 m2, at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovskydistrict, Uspenskoye village, 115, with the cadastral value of R 11 096 839;
  • a residential house with an area of 359.9 m2, at the address: Moscow region, Odintsovskydistrict, v Shulgino, ter GP-4, 38, cadastral value 23 902.53 р